
Our body gets old as our blood vessels deteriorate with oxidation. If oxidation of blood vessels is prevented by reducing reactive oxygen species inside them, it can–

  • Stop our body from aging
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Help you with erectile dysfunction
  • Prevent or treat diabetes
  • Support you not to forget things
  • Maintain your physical fitness

Just attach a device either on your wrist or ankle.The device that weights only eighty grams decreases reactive oxygen species.

Note: cooperators are requested to promote the device and its technology to increase our supporters.

Important: please refrain from participating in this study if you have a chronic disease that does not come from the blood’s oxidation.


1) Reducing reactive oxygen species

For the first time in the world, we succeeded to reduce reactive oxygen species in blood, without medicine, by using a finger-device (refer to the previous page) for ten minutes.

Presentation at the 16th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WorldPharma 2010) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

2) Lowering high blood pressure

We also accomplished for the first in the world to lower blood pressure with the same technology and device modified for wrists.

Presentation at the 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2018) in Kyoto, Japan.

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